We joined with LynnhavenRiverNow organization to start off their 1st Eco-Bag workshop. 

Thanks to Jean for fine tuning the Pattern.

We had a great turn-out with this joint effort and helped get the program started for Karen.

All our Ladies were great. They cut, ironed, sewed and put it all together.




This year we partnered with LynnhavenRiverNow to help them establish a quarterly Reusable Shopping Bag workshop.
The first one was held at the Senior Resource Center which resulted in sewing over 70+ reusable shopping bags.



Additionally The Senior Resource Center has a "Take a Bag, Give a Bag" bin for the community to donate used Reusable Shopping bags which are then delivered to LynnhavenRiverNow for their
"Give a Bag, Take a Bag" Community Program.


So far over 100+ reusable shopping bags have been repurposed back.



Thank you to everyone that made this events successful.