Spring 2024
We have some toads living in the garden,
so we added a clay bird house to use as a toad house and added a better bird bath that sits lower to the ground and is deeper. Additionally we have already found 3 Eastern Black Swallowtail Caterpillars of which are taken to the Morrison habitat and raised to be released.
The picture below shows the first one raised to full term, and the other 2 which were found on May 20th, 2024. Our garden is attracting all kinds of visitors.
Thanks to all for the help and donations.

Early Spring 2023, Johnnie Williams , President of the Senior Resource Center and the SRC Crafters for Charity group started a small Pollinator garden at the Center.
The milkweed planted attracted monarchs which resulted in eggs on their host plant.
Those eggs became caterpillars which eclosed into 35 Monarchs being released to migrate.
The Senior Resource Centers pollinator garden, "Pollinators Roost" is honored to become "Monarch Waystation # 46768" through Monarchwatch.org.
The sign being presented will be mounted in the garden.
Monarch Waystations provide milkweed, nectar plants,
and shelter for monarchs throughout their
annual cycle of reproduction and migration.
By creating a Monarch Waystation, The Senior Resource Center contributes to Monarch Conservation and helps to assure the continuation of the monarch migration in North America.
If everyone took a small corner of their yard and converted it into a small pollinator garden, it would be amazing how much that would do for pollinators.
One small act does make a difference.
Thank you to everyone at the Senior Resource Center.

Our First Season - 2023